Workshops Kids Teens Toddlers Tween (10+)

Bunny Donuts

Here comes Peter Cotton Tail!  We are making the cutest Easter Bunny Donuts complete with fluffy tails and soft pink ears!  Come learn how to whip up a fresh batch of donuts and have a hopping good time!

Each person making donuts should register as an attendee.  If you are attending with your child and just being their sous chef, only register your child!  If you want to make your own donuts, register yourself too!  Children ages 5+ may be dropped off. 

Need more info:

Contact our studio if you have any questions.  Our staff is always available to assist! or call 239-631-8168

Family Workshops
Mommy and Me


Kitchen Social Naples

3000+ happy customers

Kitchen Social Naples

2355 Vanderbilt Beach Road Suite 182 , Naples

Kitchen Social Naples

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239-631-8168 Contact Kitchen Social Naples

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